Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Olympic Team

Click here and check out our Olypmic team so far.  Choose one of the athletes and in the comments below tell us their name, how old they are and which sport they are competing in.


  1. Amy, Matthew and I are working on a poster with Jane about Equestrian sports.

    At first we found this page but couldn't decide what sport to do.

    We had to pick it out of a hat and Amy won so we had to do Equestrian Dressage even though both Matthew and I wanted to do swimming.


    1. It's great that you did NOT do swimming and actually did an event you didn't know about. I think it would be very cool to train a horse to dance to hiphop! It sounds far harder than just swimming as fast as you can!

  2. I chose to do Louisa Hill...

    She peforms Equestrian/Dressage and is around 42.


  3. I hope they do really well. We are going to sing a sone about it.
